Mini Review: If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan

If You Could Be Mine - Sara Farizan

If you're looking for a book with a happily ever after ending, If You Could Be Mine is most certainly not it.


I liked this novel, though I had some reservations about the main character and her motives. I know that she wanted to be with her best friend (who is also a girl), and so she thought she was willing to do anything in order to make that happen - including getting a sex change. But I felt like this kind of ... not trivialised but maybe undermined the struggles that transgender young adults go through. This was kind of touched on in the novel, where the main character (Sahar) speaks to a transwoman who says that she's glad that her body reflects who she is but it was hard. But even so, I wasn't 100% on board with that aspect of the book.


My favourite character was Sahar's gay cousin (I can't remember his name). For some reason I absolutely adored him and felt a fierce protectiveness for his character. Bless that he turned out safe and okay, otherwise *breathes fire*